Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Even teachers can't get it

Even teachers can't get it together sometimes. Our book club project only had half of the sections ready.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is only a test of the html language that David Warlick suggested.

Well, I made it through the Thanksgiving holiday fairly intact. Probably a few pounds heavier thanks to all the great desserts and my grandma's stuffing.

Before I left school on Tuesday, I looked for a classroom set of novels of The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, but could not locate them. That meant that for this week, I had to go with plan B. I introduced my class to the world of graphic novels. We are currently working on individual graphic short stories. I'm not sure how this is going to work out or even how I'll grade it. We're sort of feeling our way through it. I wish I could find someone who had done this before to give me some ideas, but my searches have been in vain.

My school's literacy coach loves the idea and wants to put it into the unit plans for the class for the next year. It feels good to be noticed for doing a good job.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Church Thanksgiving lunch today. Hope

Church Thanksgiving lunch today. Hope to get a nap later. I'll be thankful for that!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have an opportunity to

I have an opportunity to do some discipline during my planning period. This will take up more time that I don't have, but it will give me exp.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here is my first mobile

Here is my first mobile blog. I hope it won't be the last.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change in America

With the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States, I look forward to seeing what this country will look like in the future, especially in the area of education. I live and work in a non-union state (South Carolina). President-elect Obama is a big proponent of unions, but I don't see unions as the answer to our educational problems. Another issue that concerns me is Obama's plan for providing teacher training with the exchange of working in low-income and at-risk schools. That is a solution that leads to failure. Putting a first year teacher in the worst schools will not keep them in the educational field for very long.

I think that merit pay is a viable option and that teachers might deserve hazard pay for working in those troubled schools. Perhaps the monetary incentives would encourage experienced teachers with good teaching backgrounds to help motivate these students.

Time will tell. Of course throwing money at a problem is never the answer. I agree with Obama that it is time that parents take responsibility for turning off the t.v., taking away the electronics and games, and making sure their students are doing their best to learn the material.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Time Constraints

Time is my most valuable commodity. Money is important, but I never seem to have enough time. With my teaching, family, church, and side business commitments, I rarely have time to relax and have me time. To get everything done, I have to neglect something. Usually it ends up being my own health and well-being. My days are fueled by little sleep and several cups of coffee in the morning.

I know that I am not alone, but at times it takes it's toll on me. I get irritable and sick. I just wish there were a few more hours in the day. Maybe I just need to take a day off.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just a few short days of summer left.

As the summer winds down and the new school year approaches, I am beginning to prepare my mind for the task ahead.  Getting back into teacher mode takes some undertaking.  I have to wrap my head around the courses I'll be teaching and do as much prep work as I can before I walk into class for the first day.  I have to establish my expectations and rules for the classes and plan out my year so that I can know how the units will lay out on the calendar.  I got some good advice from a great blog today about setting the scene for your classes.  Check this blog for some great ideas:

I love her blogs.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Countdown to Day One

Well, only three weeks before I meet my new students. I still have so much to do. Here is a list of things I want to accomplish for my class before August 19th.
  • Set up class site.
  • Set up class information website.
  • Set up class wikis (already started on these).
  • Organize my syllabus.
  • Create the first week or two of PowerPoints for notes.
  • Decide on novels to teach (still have to get list from district).
  • Research projects for all my classes to try to shake things up a little bit this year.
  • Create "how-to" hand-outs for,,, and
  • Figure out a introductory assignment that will be fun to set the tone of the new year.
  • Get teacher editions.
  • Get unit plans.
  • Enjoy the last few weeks of the summer before I lose control!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Busy Life

My wife and I went out to see a movie the other night with my cousin and her husband. We saw the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. Coolest Batman movie ever. Go see it.

We thought about our lives and how busy we both are. Me with teaching, grad school, my videography business, and my countless hobbies; and she with tax season and the year long crunch of public accounting for corporations and businesses. On top of that, we have a daughter, a dog, a new house, extended families, church obligations, and our own relationship to keep up with.

As we drove home, we talked about how most of the people we know aren't that busy. They go to work, come home, cook supper, watch t.v., play with their kids, and go to bed. We just wonder if our lives will ever slow down.