Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Countdown to Day One

Well, only three weeks before I meet my new students. I still have so much to do. Here is a list of things I want to accomplish for my class before August 19th.
  • Set up ning.com class site.
  • Set up class information website.
  • Set up class wikis (already started on these).
  • Organize my syllabus.
  • Create the first week or two of PowerPoints for notes.
  • Decide on novels to teach (still have to get list from district).
  • Research projects for all my classes to try to shake things up a little bit this year.
  • Create "how-to" hand-outs for deli.cio.us.com, diigo.com, blogger.com, and wikispaces.com.
  • Figure out a introductory assignment that will be fun to set the tone of the new year.
  • Get teacher editions.
  • Get unit plans.
  • Enjoy the last few weeks of the summer before I lose control!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Busy Life

My wife and I went out to see a movie the other night with my cousin and her husband. We saw the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. Coolest Batman movie ever. Go see it.

We thought about our lives and how busy we both are. Me with teaching, grad school, my videography business, and my countless hobbies; and she with tax season and the year long crunch of public accounting for corporations and businesses. On top of that, we have a daughter, a dog, a new house, extended families, church obligations, and our own relationship to keep up with.

As we drove home, we talked about how most of the people we know aren't that busy. They go to work, come home, cook supper, watch t.v., play with their kids, and go to bed. We just wonder if our lives will ever slow down.