Monday, February 20, 2012

It's been awhile...

2009 to 2012. That's a long time to let a blog sit idle. I don't know if I will do any better this time, but I plan to try. Tomorrow I issue interims to my second semester students. I have tried a new method of grading which involves giving them only one grade per week for class participation and one for homework. I usually grade every piece (and I still grade each one) as an individual grade, but have found this method a little cumbersome. I am still trying to identify the best way to check the work without wasting valuable class time. Besides, the grades have been terrible. With only two or three assignments each week, the averages can be drastic if a student misses one.

As for my scheduling, I still think I try to shove too much in for the tests. I don't think they know the stories at all when we are done. Part of that is that they don't read them, but on my end it just seems as if we're skimming.